Malaysian Applied Biology Journal

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Malays. Appl. Biol. (December 2004) ii('2): 41-4V



1Forest Management and Ecology Program,

Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Kepong, 52109, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2Faculty of Science and Technology

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, 43600, Selangor, Malaysia


The community structure of insectivorous bats along an altitudinal gradient was conducted at Gunong Nuang, Selangor. Four harp traps were placed for six trap nights (divided into two sessions of three consecutive nights) at altitudes 250 m, 600 m, 900 m and 1,100 m. A total of 759 individuals consisting of 30 species from four families were recorded. Species diversity (Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index) decreased from 1.00 at 250 m to 0.83 at 1,100 m whereas abundance increased from 55 individuals at 250 m to 412 at 1,100 m. Species caught can be categorised into three groups; those restricted to higher altitudes, those restricted to lower altitudes and those found generally at all altitudes. Vegetation, temperature and food abundance are postulated to be among the factors limiting the abundance and diversity of insectivorous bats along the altitudinal gradient in this study.


Struktur komuniti kelawar pemakan serangga sepanjang gradien altitud di Gunung Nuang, Selangor telah dikaji. Empat Perangkap Harp telah didirikan pada altitud 250 m, 600 m, 900 m dan 1,100 m selama enam malam (tiga malam berturut-turut dalam dua sesi berasingan). Sejumlah 759 individu daripada 30 spesies dan empat famili berjaya diperangkap. Kepelbagaian spesies (Indeks Kepelbagaian Shannon-Weiner) menurun dari nilai 1.00 di 250 m ke 0.83 di 1,100 m manakala kelimpahan meningkat daripada 55 individu pada 250 m ke 412 pada 1,100 m. Spesies yang telah diperangkap boleh dikategorikan kepada tiga kumpulan; spesies yang mempunyai had taburan di altitud tinggi, yang terhad di altitud rendah dan yang terdapat di semua altitud. Vegetasi, suhu dan kelimpahan makanan dipostulasikan sebagai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kelimpahan spesies kelawar pemakan serangga sepanjang gradien altitud dalam kajian ini.

Keywords: insectivorous bats, elevation, Gunong Nuang, community structure


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