Malaysian Applied Biology Journal

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Malays. Appl. Biol. (December 2004) 33(2): 51-58





School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences

Faculty of Science and Technology

University Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 BangimSelangor D.E.


Initial experiments were carried out in Nuffield fish laboratory, School of Ocean Sciences, U.K. and later in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia marine laboratory to investigate the gastric evacuation time in response to various type and size of meals in difference environmental conditions. A power function was used to describe the digestion process termed "Gastric Emptying Time, GET" in fish. The result of this study showed that the carnivorous fish species (whiting, Merlangius merlangus) in temperate region, when fed to satiation require at least 48 hrs to empty their stomach in comparison to fish species (Giant mudskipper, Pn. schlosseri) in tropical region, which only took 18 hrs prior to the following return of appetite. This paper attempted to describe the new prospect of using the bio-mathematical modeling among the aquaculture researcher that can be used to calculate the times for return of appetite and gastric emptying of the popular cultured fish species. Factors affecting the digestion in fish were also discussed.


Suatu kajian perkaitan dan respon saiz dan jenis makanan terhadap tempoh masa pengosongan perut ikan dilakukan di persekitaran yang berlainan. Buat permulaannya kajian tersebut dilakakan di makmal ikan Nuffield, Pusat Pengajian Sains Laut, United Kingdom dan kemudian disusuli kajian di makmal sains laut Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Persamaan fungsi kuasa telah didapati sesuai untuk memodelkah proses pencernaan dan pengosongan perut ikan yang dikaji. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa ikan bulus temperat (Whiting, Merlangius merlangus) apabila diberi makan secara sukarela sehingga kenyang memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya 48 jam untuk mengosongkan perutnya, manakala ikan tropikal (Tembakul, Pn. schlosseri) dalam suatu siri eksperimen yang serupa hanya memerlukan 18 jam untuk melakukan perkara yang sama kemudian disusuli dengan pemulihan selera makan. Kertas penyelidikan ini adalah bertujuan untuk memperihal kaedah atau prospek baru untuk mengunakan model bio-matematik dikalangan penternak ikan untuk mengira tempoh masa pengosongan perut serta pemulihan selera makan seterusnya bagi spesies ikan komersial yang diternak. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses pencernaan dalam ikan juga dibincangkan.

Key words: bio-mathematical modeling, aquaculture, gastric emptying time, gastric digestion


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