Malays. Appl. Biol. (December 2004) ii(2): 59-66
Aphid Biocontrol Laboratory
Department of Zoology
DDU Gorakhpur University
Gorakhpur-273 009 U.P. India.
Email: rsing_gpu@ahoo. Com
Male Lipolexis scutellaris are always polygynous while females restrictedly monandrous and thus inseminates only once in her life. The results indicated following: (1) total progeny production by the female is decreased considerably (122.66±1.14 SD to 47.21±3.34 SD progeny/female-one hour rest copulation and 105.66±2.30 SD to 42.81±1.78 SD progeny/female-4 h rest copulation) (2) there is no variation in progeny sex ratio of the first four females copulated by a single male in a succession (0.33±0.01 SD to 0.36±0.01 SD) (3) the last female in series produced equal proportion of sons and daughters (4) the generalised reproductive index (GRI) shows that the most productive female, which was first in series, and successively decreased with multiple mated male. No significant variation was observed caused by 4 h rest given to males between two successive matings but only mean number of fecundity was affected. Regression of progeny sex ratio (Y) and total progeny (X) resulted significant negative linear correlation coefficients when the females were mated by a multiple mated males (Y = 0.6598 - 0.0016 X, r= -D.603, P < 0.001). So, results indicates that the males L. scutellaris have a great power of mating ability and ejaculate only that amount of sperms into the females that are sufficient enough to fertilise a considerable number of eggs retaining still a higher number of sperms for ejaculation in successive matings.
Lipolexis scutellaris jantan biasanya poliginos sedangkan yang betina adalah monandros iaitu membiak hanya sekali dalam seumur hidup. Hasil yang diperolehi menunjukkan bahawa: 1. Jumlah progeni yang dihasilkan oleh betina menurun (122.66±1.14 SD menurun ke 47.21±3.34 SD progeni/betina bila jantan diberi masa rehat 1 jam selepas mengawan; dan) 105.66±2.30 SD to 42.8111.78 SD progeni/betina oleh jantan yang direhatkan 4 jam); 2. Tiada perubahan nisbah jantina bagi progeni yang dihasilkan oleh 4 ekor betina mengawan dengan seekor jantan berturutan (0.33±0.01 SD to 0.36±0.01 SD); 3. Betina yang terakhir dalam siri menghasilkan progeni betina dan jantan yang sama banyak, dan, 4. Indeks pembiakan umum (GRI) menunjukkan bahawa yang pertama dalam siri dan akan menurun berturutan dengan jantan yang telah banyak kali mengawan. Tiada perubahan yang nyata yang disebabkan oleh masa rehat 4 jam diantara mengawan jantan kecuali min bagi fekunditi. Bila betina mengawan dengan jantan yang telah berulang kali mengawan, regresi nisbah jantina (Y) dan jumlah progeni (X) menghasilkan korelasi linear negatif (Y = 0.6598 - 0.0016 X, r= - 0.603, P < 0.001). Oleh yang demikian, hasil menunjukkan bahawa L. scutellaris, jantan berupaya mengawan beberapa kali dan dapat menghasilkan sperma yang cukup untuk mensenyawa telur setiap kali mengawan.
Key words: Progeny sex ratio, Lipolexis scutellaris, Aphis gossypii, multiple mating, parasitoid, aphid. bio-control
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