Journal of the Malaysian Society of Applied Biology
Effects of sodium chloride on cellulase production by Aspergillus terreus SUK-1
W. Y. Wan Mohtar, O. Othman, J. Kader, S. Suresh and J. Shree Mario
| Abstract & References | pp. 1 |
Comparative leaf anatomical studies of some Heritiera Dryand species (Sterculiaceae)
Khatijah Hussin, Zaharina Mohamat Sani and Fauziyah Mohd Zain
| Abstract & References | pp. 7 |
Acute toxicity of neem based pesticides on Lymnaea acuminata
Kiran Singh and O.K. Singh
| Abstract & References | pp.15 |
Detection of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli associated with diarrhoea by biotinylated heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) DNA probe
Son Radu, G. Rasul, M.I.A. Karim and K. Yusoff
| Abstract & References | pp. 19 |
Antiviral activity of (s)-9-(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl) adenine (HPMPA) against equine herpesvirus type-1 (EHV-1) in mice
M.L. Mohd-Azmi and H.J. Field
| Abstract & References | pp. 25 |
Cytogenetics of interspecific hybrids and backcross progenies from Oryza saliva x O.minuta crosses
A.L. Mariam, A.H. Zakri, M.C. Mahani and M.N. Normah
| Abstract & References | pp. 33 |
Effects of garlic (Allium sativum L.) bulb volatiles on development and reproduction of rice moth (Coreyra cephalonica Stainton)
G. Gurusubramaniam, P.D. Partho and S.S. Krishna
| Abstract & References | pp. 39 |
Biodiversity of arthropods of wet paddy ecosystems in Malaysia
S.T.S. Hassan and MM. Rashid
| Abstract & References | pp. 45 |
Evaluation and variability of eggplant (Solatium melongena L.) complex in Malaysia
Sayed M.Z. Hasan and Hiryati Abdullah
| Abstract & References | pp. 55 |
Truncation selection of ortets for clonal evaluation in cocoa
Shaharudin Saamin
| Abstract & References | pp. 63 |
Chrysopidae attraction to floral fragrance chemicals and its vertical distribution in a Malaysian lowland tropical forest
Ahmad S. Sajap, Kaoru Maeto, Kenji Fukuyama, Faujan B.H. Ahmad and Yaacob A. Wahab
| Abstract & References | pp. 75 |
Optimisation of the immunoperoxidase method for the detection of keratin using polyclonal antikeratin antibody
Wan Zurinah Wan Ngah, Ng Mee Lian, Janagee Bai Sinnadurai and Nor Aripin Shamaan
| Abstract & References | pp. 81 |
Pathogenicity studies on the seed-borne phases of Alternaria spp. on cauliflower and cabbage
Mohd. Imran Khan, Azizah Hashim, M. Abul-Fazal and Munawar Fazal
| Abstract & References | pp. 87 |
An additional bibliography of Malaysian lichenology
D.J. Galloway, L.B. Din and A. Latiff
| Abstract & References | pp. 93 |
Short Communication
Is Diadegma insulare (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) a nectar or a pollen feeder?
A.B. Idris, A.M. Norhayati and E. Grafius
| pp. 101 |
Detection of Nosema bombycis (Naegeli) in diamondback moth using Giemsa stain
A.B. Idris, B.A.H. Zainal-Abidin and A.M. Norhayati
| pp. 105 |