Journal of the Malaysian Society of Applied Biology
Zinc status and thresholds for sweetness and saltiness among diabetic and non-diabetic elderly in selected old folks homes in Malaysia
Zalifah, M.K., Suriah, A.R. and Aminah, A.
| Abstract & References | pp. 1 |
Flavonoid compounds of Enhalus acoroides (Hydrocharitaceae)
Umi-Kalsom, Y., Misri, K,, Japar, S.B. andZahrina, M.N.
| Abstract & References | pp. 9 |
Effect of surfactant and batter mix ratio on the properties of coated poultry product
Yusof, MM. and Kerr, W.L.
| Abstract & References | pp. 13 |
Survival of young mangosteen in the field in response to shading and water stress
Mohd-Razi, I. and Mohamad, H.A.
| Abstract & References | pp. 21 |
Water quality of Mahesara Lake in Gorakhpur District
Singh, D. and Deepak, P.K.
| Abstract & References | pp. 27 |
Effect of duration of two precooling temperatures on subsequent growth and flowering of two selected tulip cultivars
Thohirah, L.A., Johari, E. and Wong, C.C.
| Abstract & References | pp. 31 |
Morphological and growth characteristics, and somatic incompatibility of Ganoderma from infected oil palm and coconut stumps
Latiffah, Z., Abdullah, F., Tan, S.G., Harikrishna, K. and Ho, Y.W.
| Abstract & References | pp. 37 |
Genetic diversity in potential seed sources of Calamus manan Miq. in Peninsular Malaysia
Wickneswari, R., Siti-Salwana, H., Norwati, M., Nur-Supardi, M.N. and Aminuddin, M.
| Abstract & References | pp. 49 |
Short Communication
Effect of mode of cultivation and C:N on growth and lipid accumulation in Mucor circinelloides CBS 108.16
Hamid, A.A.
| pp. 59 |
Anti-bacterial activity of Cymbopogon nardus (L) rendle extract fractions against Staphylococcus aureus
Hanina, M.N., Nurul-Aini, M.N., Nazlina, L, Yahya, M.D., Saziah, A.R., Said, I.M. and Ahmad, I.E.
| pp. 63 |
Mutagenicity of novel ferrocenium compounds
Yahya, M.D., Sarminah, S., Ahmad, I.E. andBohari, Y.
| pp. 67 |
Twinning in Scotophilus kuhlii (Microchiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Peninsular Malaysia
Wong, C.H., Gee, Y.L., Zubaid, A. andKamis, A.B.
| pp. 71 |
Uptake of Imazapyr at different growth stages of Paspalum conjugatum Berg.
Ipor, I.B.
| pp. 75 |
Mortality of Diamondback moth larvae infected with Nosema bombycis Negali
Idris, A.B., Zainal-Abidin, B.A.H., Sajap, A.S., Noran, A.M. andHussan, A.K.
| pp. 79 |